Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Developing a problem?

*Please forgive me for not blogging about a recent LYS visit*
In the last month I have been to 6 retail 'spaces' that sell yarn and accessories. I have spent over $300...
I have some guilt about this, as I already have a well rounded stash that seems to have taken over the living room, spare room and a section of the kitchen. This growing stash now uses more plastic tubs then the Christmas decorations, summer clothes, extra blankets/sheets and camping gear combined.
To my credit, I have not gotten to the point where balls, skeins, and hanks are hidden in closets, under couches or the bed, in the oven or behind the books on the shelf. But I fear it is coming...
A friend, who is not a knitter, nor crafty in anyway; questioned my quest for yarn today. I thought for a moment, and then reassured her it was quite normal. Hope she is prepared for the possible side affects of me teaching her 5 yr old to knit.
So I guess my reflection would be I don't have a problem. (with yarn stashing that is) I simply have a love for all things fuzzy, soft, warm, cozy, colourful etc. This love just happens to have hijacked my wallet and all the free space in my house! I pray my marriage handle this other love

Stitches and kisses

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