Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Celeigh Wool ~ Millet

Looking at the calendar this am, I realized it has been a month since RDKS (Red Deer Knitting Societys) trip to Celeigh Wool. I apologize for keeping this experience from all of you.
There is only one word that completes the description of Celeigh Wool. PICTURQUE. (Here is where I would have included a picture... which I have and its great)
This shop is perfecrtly located outside the town of Millet, in a building that shouts 'I hold yarn'. For directions, (super easy to find) visit http://www.milletmuseum.ca/galleries/show_photo/104973
Marg was very welcoming to our group and happy to answer all questions. Also a great demostration on swing needles.
I was a first timer to this shop and look forward to returning. Marg carries Fleece Artist, Harmonique Spinning Wheels, Looms, and products, local merino and soo much more! The selection of books, magazines and booklets is unreal! If you are looking for a back issue I would suggest this place.
Celeigh Wool is geared towards spinners, but there is lots of good finds for all fiber lovers. This shop rates high on my must see list.
Celeigh Wool is a sponsor of this years Olds Fiber Week and you can find regristration forms and details in store.
Looking forward to starting my Fleece Artist Thrum socks which was one of my purchases.
* This shop, being located in the country is cash and credit. NO debit.*

QUICK! Get in your car and make this road trip!

Knitting, with some bitchin

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